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Expected graduation date: Fall 2019

Program: BMHI

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Career Goals:

After completing the PSM in Biomedical and Health Informatics, I hope to work in the industry sector as an analyst. After gaining experience in industry, I hope to pursue a PhD, either also in Biomedical Informatics or Epidemiology.


I graduated from Duke University in 2013, with a B.S. in Biology concentrating in Cell and Molecular Biology. Enamored with the Triangle, I stayed in Durham for four years and taught for an introductory Genetics and Evolution course at Duke. Through teaching, I was exposed to many topics in genomics, and became very interested in populations genomics and health, particularly where it overlaps with psychiatry. I found this amazing PSM program where I could combine my interests in genomics and health with big data, and here I am now!

Why UNC?:

UNC Chapel Hill is such a great institution. I was especially attracted to UNC for its connections to many biotech companies in RTP. I also would love to do some work with the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, which is international but has its base at UNC!